Specialists in underground water services 01623 438279

Who Are Brays Pipeline?

Nov 30, 2023 | 40 comments

“Brays Pipeline is a family-run business that has worked for private and commercial customers in the water services industry for many years.

Founded in 2000 by owner Neil Bray after years of experience in the industry, after the opportunity came along to launch his own water service business, and the rest is history, as they say. Or in Brays Pipelines’ case, the rest involves bringing along the family for the journey and sharing the success and high standards of the company together.

Along with family members including his brother, son and nephew Brays Pipeline have a dedicated, fully experienced team that can repair or renew your property’s burst and damaged water supply pipes along with an efficient back office team to help field enquiries and general operations of the day to day running of the business.

“We are proud to be the main contractor working alongside local authorities, Severn Trent Water and many insurance companies. We work on many types of projects, from small water leaks at private properties to large burst pipes that have flooded and lifted main roads.”

Throughout our 20 years of experience, we have always believed the customer is at the heart of the solutions we offer. At times our calls outs involve a very distressed customer with a major water leak, boiler issues or worst, a hole in the backyard with no water. We pride ourselves on bringing a solution efficiently with the least disruption as possible. We offer a listening ear and even a cuddle when needed.


Simple steps to take if you discover a water leak

We believe in working with companies and creating partnerships to form the best solution for new, clean and green water services where possible. We are proud to be working alongside Severn Trent Water on their green project offering qualifying homes in Coventry city centre the opportunity to have to have a completely new underground water service completely free of charge (worth upto £1300).

This includes a brand new water supply relayed in MDPE plastic pipe along with a new connection into the property with a new internal stop tap and a new connection to the roadside with an individual controlling boundary box (tap).

One review shared, stated:

“We are proud to be the main contractor working alongside local authorities, Severn Trent Water and many insurance companies. We work on many types of projects, from small water leaks at private properties to large burst pipes that have flooded and lifted main roads.”